We frequently receive support requests due to connection issues with GoPro Hero cameras.
While these cameras can sometimes experience issues with Bluetooth Low Energy connections, it’s far more common for problems to occur with the Wi-Fi connection between the camera and the mobile device. Recent Android OS security updates have resulted in inconsistent connection stability, which varies among device manufacturers and Android versions.
To resolve these problems, we are looking at adding USB connection support for GoPro Hero10+ cameras.
GoPro has standardized the USB interface on Hero10+ cameras, and the USB connection appears to be very robust and reliable. That’s the good news.
Unfortunately, Android distributions that ship on most devices will recognize the camera as a network adapter, which prevents apps from accessing it. Apps also have no way to utilize this adapter unless the device is placed into airplane mode, and all other network connections are disabled. In these conditions, only a single camera can be accessed.
Because of this, we’ve undertaken a project to build our own USB driver for GoPro Hero10+ cameras, which will require a custom USB hub / breakout box. As a proof of concept, we’ve written our own USB device driver for Hero10+ cameras, which is being tested on a modified version of Android that allows it to function.
We’ve been able to control a GoPro Hero 10+ camera, retrieve file listings and media off of the SD card, and also view a video preview. We can also control multiple cameras simultaneously. We’re satisfied with the stability of the USB driver, which means that we are going to move to the next phase of the project: prototyping the hub / breakout box.
Our goal it to eventually provide a motorsports grade device and cabling that can connect to the USB C port on mobile devices, and provide power and control for up to 4 cameras.
If you have questions about this project, feel free to email support@petreldata.com. We’re also looking for a contract engineer with experience designing USB hubs and interfaces, so please reach put if you think that you can help.